Appiani Mix ceramic mosaic mixes are produced in single-press firing a technique which fixes glaze to clay by dry pressing. The Denim, Diva, Anthologhia, Seta, Metallica and Open Space ranges are ...
With Guise Stefan Diez has discovered a new potential use for LED technology in contact with matter: The light emanates from the piece of glass, while the source remains invisible. With this approach ...
The living room is entirely carved out within the rectangular‐shaped medieval tower, and the tower walls, which had been plastered and hidden over the years, were brought back to light through a ...
Design Ceiling lights from Artemide Architectural ✓ all information ✓ high-resolution images ✓ CADs ✓ catalogues ✓..
La panchina perfetta per chi ama le forme eleganti. La struttrua laterale in lega di alluminio, lavorata in diagonale, crea un effetto ottico molto particolare. La panchina tocca terra su un appoggio ...
“Onyx&More” combines two very different types of stone: onyx and porphyry. Mysterious, unpredictable nature inspires a highly expressive collection built around tasteful contrasts and blends of ...
Our proven technologies create a healthy indoor climate in every room. Plafotherm® Heated and Chilled Ceilings offer impressively high capacities and good heat transfer. Our own accredited test ...
Die Auswahl der perfekten Badaccessoires ist ein schwieriges Unterfangen. Da das Badezimmer oft der kleinste Raum im Haus ist, können zu viele Accessoires den Raum unübersichtlich erscheinen lassen, ...
Our bodies are made to move. Yet sitting for a long time shapes the daily existence of a large number of people. With the motorised height-adjustable workstation programme ACTIVE.T, König + Neurath ...
The universe is in motion. Here, life comes straight from Japanese kimonos themselves. Birds, irises, cherry blossoms, streams or fish run up the walls. The room comes alive with the soft nippon ...
Ceramic slabs in two sizes – a rectified 160x320 size with 6.5mm thickness and an unrectified 162x324 size with 12mm thickness – enable the creation of tops and backsplashes for kitchens and bathrooms ...
Thanks to its versatility, the Orion console table is perfect for designing according to your own style and preferences. The different materials and high-quality finishes contribute to a fresh, ...