Allu Arjun and director Sukumar's Pushpa 2: The Rule minted over Rs 1,171 crore nett in India. The film saw a slight increase on December 31.
The USPS said on its website: "All Post Office locations will be closed Christmas Day (Wednesday, Dec. 25) and New Year's Day (Wednesday, Jan. 1). Regular Post Office hours and mail delivery will ...
The calendar is flipping from 2024 to 2025, and whether you're looking to start off the new year with a cup of coffee, a sit-down breakfast, or looking for some retail therapy, consumers should have ...
China's 2024 box office revenue slumped by almost a quarter from the previous year, official data showed on Wednesday, ...
The Indian film 'Pushpa 2 The Rule' continues to rule global box office as it inches close to a month at the ticket windows.
Rainn Wilson has a pretty dark idea of how things are going for Dwight after The Office ended, and it’s not great at all.
Pima County Sheriff’s Office named Jack Upchurch, 40, Elmer Smith, 19 and 16-year-old Wendy Scott as suspects in the case on ...
The Office US, created by Greg Daniels, is a popular sitcom that has become a staple show for many fans, who re-watch it ...
A wide array of new California laws are set to go into effect in 2025, with many of them starting Jan. 1. These are some of ...
Chief Deputy Kirsten Snowden, a 25-year veteran of the office who notched several prominent murder convictions this year, will serve as the new DA’s second-in-command, known as the first assistant.
Gov. Kay Ivey, the state’s governor since 2017, is in her final term in office. The end of her lengthy tenure is expected to draw a crowded field of candidates.
From the mysterious East, now comes Carrnac the Magnificent with his infallible prognostications for the New Year. The ...