Marvel has revolutionized the superhero crossover over the decades. The first major Marvel crossover came in 1939’s Marvel Mystery Comics #8, as Namor and the Golden Age Human Torch clashed for the ...
Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn isn’t about to let anyone rewrite the script when it comes to Chris Pratt as Star ...
Exciting news for fans of The Punisher today as, following chatter about a possible season 3 on Disney+, we have additional ...
Marvel Snap is set to have a strong start in 2025, and developers have teased potential updates that would have major implications for the community.
From blockbuster sequels to groundbreaking original content, these film titles are already generating massive buzz on IMDb and social media.
Not everyone is capable of carrying the Captain America shield and mantle in the MCU, as it takes some unique qualities to be ...
Dive into What If...? season 3 ending and a complete breakdown of every episodes, as well as learn about release date and more.
After shaping the Marvel Cinematic Universe with his iconic entries, Josh Brolin could cross the superhero pond with a ...