The Ones Who Live marks the seventh installment of AMC’s massively popular horror franchise. The post-apocalyptic drama tells ...
The sliding-doors narrative, which Starz further says will “reimagine possibilities and turns of fate from the original ...
Australian actor Guy Pearce has also been confirmed for The Woman in Cabin 10, though his role has not yet been divulged.
And if the on demand options aren’t enough, Pluto has a wide range of curated channels as well, including the likes of Crime TV (which aggregates numerous crime shows into one channel ...
That’s right, every week, Netflix releases its list of the 10 most-watched TV shows over a recent seven-day period. After five seasons, it’s finally time for the impending nuptials between Mel ...
You want the cheapest OLED: LG’s entry-level B4 is the company’s cheapest OLED TV series, although it’s not as bright and isn’t available in as many sizes. In use, the C4 delivers a ...
A chemistry teacher diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer turns to manufacturing and selling methamphetamine with a former student to secure his family's future.