After two young men drowned while working their summer jobs removing weeds from lakes, the Minnesota Legislature is ...
Two bills surrounding reproductive health failed to pass in the Minnesota House on Thursday. HF 24, known as the “Born Alive ...
Minnesotans have enjoyed winter on the ice, but there are now signs of changing seasons across the Twin Cities metro.
Lake advocates say a recent state law is helping curb the problem of trash left on Minnesota’s frozen lakes. But they're ...
DFLer David Gottfried ran to victory in a special election for District 40B, securing shared power for his party in the Minnesota House.
There was a parade of fish houses coming off Lake Waconia last week as temperatures warmed into the 40s. That came after a ...
Supporters and opponents gathered at State Capitol before the vote, which came after more than two hours of pointed debate.
Enough people have contacted the watershed district that officials decided to hold an informational workshop later this month ...
In a party-line vote Monday, the Minnesota House of Representatives narrowly rejected a proposed bill that would have banned ...
The DNR is proposing to extend the temporary water level drawdown periods on Lake Ocheda to help improve water clarity, as ...
Family members began searching for Troy Allen Krenz when he didn't come home from ice fishing Tuesday night. He was found dead Wednesday morning.