Emotional intimacy isn't just about spending time together. It's about the psychic energy we invest in our partner.
Time and boundaries dissolve in these spaces while people become charged with stress, anxiety, and excitement. Throw in a ...
Freud tells us that projection is one of many defense mechanisms used to deal with discomfort; it’s the ego’s attempt to protect us from distress. For example, a person who feels angry might accuse ...
Many of us have witnessed unusual and even anti-social behaviour at an airport or on a flight. These may range from benign acts such as sleeping on the floor or doing yoga in front of the flight ...
RyanAir, for example, has called for a ... as a shift from our normal civilised ego to the primitive, instinctive part of the psyche, which Freud called the id. According to Freud, the id is ...
One time, for example, a young man the patient was ... is sometimes easier said than done. References 1. Freud, A. (1936). The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defense. In The Writings of Anna Freud ...