Bloomberg reports that , что American AI giant companies have excluded Hong Kong from the list of cities with access to their chatbots due to the technological conflict between the superpowers. The ...
In August, the real estate market in Uzbekistan shows fluctuations, with a slight decrease in activity. The secondary housing market is showing moderate growth, while the rental market in Tashkent has ...
The Center for Economic Research and Reforms analyzed trade, economic and investment cooperation between Uzbekistan and Germany for the period 2016-2023. At the invitation of the President of the ...
In August, there was an increase in sales of motor vehicles, although annual activity continues to decline. The passenger car segment increased by 11%, reaching the highest level since February, but ...
Bloomberg reports that Indian Prime minister touts India’s increasing clout in technology. Modi trying to woo more chip companies to South Asian nation. Prime Minister Narendra Modi trumpeted India’s ...
All sectors of the economy, including agriculture, industry, construction and services, showed an improvement in the business climate. However, entrepreneurs still face a number of challenges. The ...
The "Economic Review" Journal continues to cover issues related to the introduction of the new "makhallabay" system. We present an interview with Akmaljon Kuchkorov — assistant to the khokim for the ...
В августе отмечен рост продаж автотранспортных средств, хотя годовая активность ...
Иқтисодий тадқиқотлар ва ислоҳотлар Марказининг Жиззах филиали томонидан Статистика агентлиги маълумотлари асосида 2024 йил январь-июнь ...
В августе рынок недвижимости Узбекистана показывает колебания, с небольшим снижением активности. Вторичный рынок жилья демонстрирует ...
Iqtisodiy tadqiqotlar va islohotlar Markazining Jizzax filiali tomonidan Statistika agentligi ma’lumotlari asosida 2024 yil yanvar-iyun holatiga Sirdaryo viloyati demografiyasi tahlil qilindi.