A barbershop staple (and barber Grinstead-Mayle's go-to brand for shavers), Wahl's foil device is my favorite for many specific tasks: For starters, it delivers a quick neckline shave, with enough ...
This means it’s also super easy to clean as you can simply rinse the blades under the tap in-between uses. One thing that we don’t fully understand is why Wahl has launched the Aqua Blade to ...
For the past year, those who aren’t lucky enough to live with a hairdresser have been left to their own devices when it comes to taming their locks. As a result, clipper sales have gone through ...
As body hair styles and requirements keep changing, more and more men are looking for the best body groomers to keep the chest, back and personal areas tame, tidy and trimmed. But when it comes to ...