Both Christian and Jewish people regard Moses’ parting the Red Sea as one of the most impressive miracles of God — or is it?
Recent scientific research suggests that natural phenomena may explain the biblical account of Moses parting the Red Sea.
Scientists who have been exploring the Red Sea have discovered natural death traps in the region now believed to be the location where Moses parted the waters. The brine pools were found 4,000 ...
A 3D image of the Grand Canyon-style ocean floor beneath the Red Sea The survey ship 'HMS Enterprise' nets stunning images of a Grand Canyon-style ocean floor hidden deep under the Red Sea.
Resources: The assembly framework to download / print (pdf); an image to display of the word ‘Adventurousness’. Also have artwork to display showing Moses parting the Red Sea to project (see ...
Scientists who have been exploring the Red Sea have discovered natural death traps in the region now believed to be the location where Moses parted the waters. The brine pools were found 4,000 ...