Traitors? Martyrs? Just what were the Rosenbergs? After more than 70 years, we might finally have found out. Like Benedict Arnold, Wyatt Earp, or Davy Crockett before them, the names Julius and ...
Historians have long regarded Julius Rosenberg as a Soviet spy. But questions about Ethel Rosenberg’s role have simmered for years, dividing those who side with the Meeropols and say she had zero role ...
David Greenglass, whose testimony against his sister and brother-in-law — accused spies Julius and Ethel Rosenberg — played a central role in their conviction, recently died at age 92.
Overwhelming evidence sent Ethel and Julius Rosenberg to the electric chair as Soviet atomic spies in 1953. But a stubborn mythpersists that they were framed. That myth sustains Morton Sobell ...
Rosenbergs eating when word comes OSSINING, N.Y., June 19, 1953 (UP) - Julius and Ethel Rosenberg had just completed a 90-minute visit and were at lunch today when word came over the prison radio ...
ROBERT and Michael Meeropol, the sons of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, were orphaned when their parents were sent to the electric chair in June 1953 in one of the worst excesses of Joseph McCarthy’s ...
That's why they were executed, and the writing on the wall if you believe Venona is that neither Julius nor Ethel Rosenberg did the crime they were killed for. That seems to be the most important ...
In a separate paragraph titled, ''Mrs. Julius Rosenberg,'' Gardner describes a decoded message as saying Ethel Rosenberg was a ''party member" and "devoted wife'' who knew of her husband's work ...