Despite the "intense" spotlight, Scott Wolf tells Page he was "really ready for it artistically, creatively" when he starred ...
Palak Patel, the EVP behind the “Venom” trilogy at Columbia Pictures, is exiting Sony after a 10 year stint. The former exec ...
EXCLUSIVE: We hear that Sony Pictures EVP of Production Palak Patel is leaving the Culver City lot for a new gig. Once we ...
This year marks the centennial of Columbia Pictures, one of film history’s most fascinating and prolific studios, so we decided to have a conversation with two experts about the wild ride of ...
That Horizon Zero Dawn Netflix series might have been canned, but don't worry, Sony has another trick up its sleeve: a film adaptation.
After rejecting Columbia Pictures' contract offer on the advice of Montgomery Clift, she appeared in everything from ‘The ...